True confessions of the Heart Book Trailer

2012-09-04 31

"True Confessions Of The Heart: Out Of An Abundance Of The Heart The Mouth Speaks," available now at Barnes and Noble and, is author Dawn Burnett's love letter to all who are struggling with life's challenges, set-backs, and failures. In it, Burnett shares her moving life story in which she faced abuse, a broken home, two failed marriages, three massive car accidents, financial setbacks and unrelenting emotional turmoil. The magic occurs when Burnett concedes how she continued to fight for her dreams despite her fears.

In today's uncertain world, Burnett's story speaks volumes. News outlets constantly warn of all the things we should be worrying about: layoffs, foreclosures, lack of healthcare, illness, accidents, assaults - the list is endless. Burnett's message is to continue in pursuit of your best life no matter what difficulties are thrust in your path.

"I wrote this book to inspire and empower people to take control of their lives, " Burnett says. "I want to help people open and awaken to new possibilities and the gifts and talents that lie deep within each and everyone of us. Walk boldly toward your dreams, continually making the conscious decision to not allow others to take those dreams from you."

"True Confessions Of The Heart" is a book that offers readers an escape from their own problems long enough to realize that there is hope. If Burnett can create the life she's always wanted despite such crushing obstacles, surely the reader can take some actionable step toward living the life of her dreams, too.