Hardline Muslims protest Hillary Clinton's Indonesia visit

2012-09-03 45

In front of the US Embassy in Jakarta, around 300 protesters from a hardline Muslim group demonstrate, ahead of a visit by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Protesters from the Hizbut Tahrir group shouted anti-American slogans and carried banners reading: "Say No To Hillary" and "Hillary Brings Colonialism."

The U.S. plans to build a new embassy on its existing location, something the protsers are against because they say the building represents U.S. imperialism.

One protester said the new embassy would be the third largest U.S. embassy in the world after those in Iraq and Pakistan.

An embassy official said construction would begin in December and was scheduled for completion in 2017.

The Hizbut Tahrir group's also protesting a two-year contract extension for a U.S. gold and copper mine in west Papua.