CGRundertow SOUND SHAPES for PlayStation 3 Video Game Review

2012-09-01 2

Sound Shapes review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Sound Shapes for Playstation 3. One of the most unique games released this generation, Sound Shapes puts you in control of a sticky blob that moves through the levels to reach the end goal. Along the way you will collect music notes that add to the soundtrack, changing the music with each one. The levels also fit into the music, making you feel like you are playing through the song. And each level is created by famous musicians like Beck and Deadmu5. The game also offers a level creator, where you can create your own and play levels created by others. All this makes for a unique and creative game that needs to be experienced. This video review features video gameplay footage of Sound Shapes for Playstation 3 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Ryan.

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