Golf Swing Tempo

2012-08-30 16

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Consistent Golf Swing Tempo

In this video I explain what golf tempo is and how critical it is to making a good golf swing. When looking at better players they never really look like they hit the ball very far. I show some of my own swings and some golf tempo drills to help you. This is a very important part of the golf game and makes certain shots very tough. This is a great video to understand why some players look fast and others look slow.

The great majority of players on tour have very slow looking swings but hit it very far. Visually they look deceiving, swinging slow yet hitting the ball far. This is because they are swinging the club using their body and the human body does not move very fast in life. If you have a fast looking swing then you are swinging the club with your arms and your golf tempo is too fast. What we want to be doing is to have a slower golf rhythm and hit the ball using your body.

When i am hitting a ball I look slow and in rhythm when swinging. Although I look slow I can still generate good power and hit the ball 300 yards+. I am putting a lot of energy in turning my body but my arms are not moving independently, so if my body is turning at a maximum of 2.5 mph then my arms would not look much faster. This is the key to having a good golf tempo. Try swinging slower and being in control of your swing.

Having a slow tempo is critical when playing, because this is something that can mess up a round of golf quickly. When out on the golf course you can start getting faster and faster because you will start hitting with your arms. Many people when being in a pressure situation or of the first tee can get fast and as a result hit a poor shot. Try thinking slower and get in rhythm when in these situations.

Having a good golf tempo is one of the most important parts of your golf game. Many people always marvel at the players that swing slow yet hit the ball far. I can generate a huge amount of clubhead speed yet still look like i am barely moving. My body is generating the power yet it can physically move very fast. When on the golf course you should be thinking slow and less effort and you will in turn have that slow looking tour tempo.