Cell Phone Brain Cancer (Radiation Meters) Cell Phone Brain Cancer

2012-08-28 23


You don't have to rely on common sense alone. Scientific evidence is also mounting. Frequent cell phone users are more likely to get sick than other people, and doctors, scientists and health researchers are trying to tell us about it.

Almost every month, new research studies are published on cell phone radiation dangers. Recently published reports indicate that cell phone radiation is responsible in some degree for health challenges such as

brain cancer
skin damage
brain damage
increased blood pressure
DNA damage
sperm abnormalities
reduced fertility
salivary gland cancer
psychological problems
sleep interference
and many other health effects. Have a good look at this list. These are not minor health problems. Most of them are health-destroying or life-ending disasters. Could they take 10 years off your life? Even more.

Knowledgeable researchers, scientists and doctors who see these patients frequently, are becoming convinced that cell phone radiation is heavily implicated in these health challenges.
