Secret Potion Trick For 10000 Riot Points (RP) League of Legends

2012-08-18 1,356

Your goal is to buy each of those items and keep them in your inventory until the end of game. You cant use any kind of potion or elixir during this game at all!
All of the items have to be bought before the time reaches 15.00!
If you want you can leave and go afk (you will not get IP or XP if you go afk) leave the match and reconnect.
Anyways after the game ends, go to the store and codes, the code is POTIONS
Submit the code and log out, log back in enjoy free rp!

Remember that it works only for accounts that have created after the 1 of may 2012!
Level does not matter.
Also the previous amount of RP will be reset and the new value of 10000 given.

Item order does not matter, you may buy the potions in any order, just one of each.
Only once per account.