Violence across Afghanistan. On Wednesday at least 18 civilians are wounded in Western Afghanistan when a bomb attacked to a bicycle exploded.
The reclusive Taliban leader Mullah Omar is calling on insurgents to avoid civilian deaths and focus on foreign forces. In a seven page letter released Thursday night he boasted that his forces had successfully infiltrated Afghan security forces to mount rogue attacks on foreign solders.
On Friday an Afghan police militia member turned his guns on U.S. military trainers in western Farah province, killing two Americans before he was shot dead.
NATO Brigadier General Gunter Katz in Kabul says this does not represent a new tactic by insurgents.
"This is exactly what the Taliban is claiming, which we clear deny. Yes we can acknowledge that there are instances of infiltration, but they are about in the 10 percent area."
So far this year there have been 31 incidents where Afghan forces have turned on Western troops, that compares with 21 such incidents in the while of last year.