Classic Game Room - The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK for Atari 2600 review

2012-08-15 1

Classic Game Room season 1 - 1/29/2000

Live on location from the Ice Planet Hoth! - The Game Room is stranded and the only thing we have to play is "The Empire Strikes Back" for our Atari 2600, how ironic. Fortunately it a game based on the best of the Star Wars movies.

We love Hoth (no)! You can always PRETEND you're a mack like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo or Chewbacca and kick some Empire ass in this amazing game made from the 1980 classic. Star Wars music, snow speeders, At-At's... it just doesn't get too much better than this. And there's no f'n Jar Jar!

Game Room reviewed Atari, NES, Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Dreamcast and Playstation... too bad they didn't get to Xbox 360, PS3, PS2 or Wii.