Gadsden, Don't Tread on Me, historic.

2012-08-15 58

Early American Flags, Gadsden, Culpeper, Don't Tread on Me, historic.
This is a brief history of some of the popular historic American flags, currently being used by various patriot groups. I like the symbolism represented in them all, but my favorite is the Betsy Ross flag. To me, this flag represents America closer to its ideal, ( the free republic ). Although certainly far from being perfect, the early republic with its freedom and liberty intact is infinitely more preferable than ( Amerika the corporate empire ) that we are rapidly becoming today, with its growing tyranny and fading personal freedoms. I use this flag to illustrate what we were, what we could have been, and what we are becoming ( with the hopes that people will wake up before its too late ).

I will be posting more information on my web site ( as well as videos and blogs) along with any information updates. I also invite you, my viewers to help build my new discussion forums relating to preppper / survival topics and share your ideas. This will be helpful to everyone, as it will only help build and strengthen the prepper / patriot community. I personally believe that - the more people become educated in preparedness and are able to become self sufficient, the better it will be for everyone, should the day come that we need to put our skills to the test.

also see ;

This video is not meant to be anti business as it pertaines to the American people. I believe in free enterprise and support local businesses, especially those owned and operated by REAL red blooded American people. The subtle hint found later in the video is meant to be anti " Corporate Fascism " and any and all corrupt forms of corpratisums that are ruining this once great country's economy. There is a difference between a free enterprise robust local economy and what these guys are doing. Please do the reasearch, you can start with these links;

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