Aug 14 - Homily: St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, Apostle of Mary

2012-08-14 30

Homily #120814 (�18min) Play-�On this solemnity of St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe, Martyr of Charity, Apostle of�Consecration to Mary, and patron of the Franciscans of the Immaculate and of�our difficult century, Fr. Bonaventure preaches on his heroic life, whose zeal�was always inspired by and led to incomprehensible heights by the Immaculate Virgin. Ave Maria!
Mass: St. Maximilian Kolbe - Solemnity - Form:�OF
1st: wis 3:1 9
Resp: psa 116:1017
2nd: 1jo 3:13 18
Gsp: joh 15:12 17
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