Племена карпатських хорватів Карпато-Дністровського регіону (предки західних українців - галичан, закарпатців, бойків, буковинців, західних подолян) за винятком волинян. Цитати з дослідження історика Леонтія Войтовича (доктор історичних наук, професор): Прикарпаття в другій половині І тисячоліття: найдавніші князівства: http://www.lnu.edu.ua/faculty/webhistory/Sajt_istfak/Vipusk_45_files/45_013-054.pdf
2: http://lnu.academia.edu/LeontiyVoitovycz/Papers/1333179/_I_I_I_I_._._
3. Др. Леонтій Войтович. «Білі» хорвати чи «карпатські» хорвати? Продовження дискусії: http://chtyvo.org.ua/authors/Voitovych_Leontii/Bili_khorvaty_chy_karpatski_khorvaty/
Video is in Ukrainian language and is based upon the research of Lviv historian Leontiy Voytovych (Dr. of historical sciences, professor at Lviv University) - quotes of his scientific articles.
Carpathian croats (horvats) - one of the most important and biggest Ukrainian tribes (ancestors of most of western Ukrainians, except of its northern part of Volyn). Carpathian croats played one of the key roles upon the formation of Ukrainian nation and language. Role of the Iranian speaking sarmatian tribes of Roxolans and Yazygs (Jasses) of Upper Dniester and Prut valleys in the formation of the ancient Croatian community is also examined in the video.
Major centers of Ukrainian Croats were tribal centers of Horvat (upon the Prut river), Stolsk (on the northen Dniester, in Lviv region, tribal center of carpatho-croatian subtribe of bobrians and west terebovlians), Terebovlya (capital of the eastern carpatho-croatian subtribe of trebovlians in Ternopil region), Peremyshl (center of carpatho-croatian subtribe of zasians). Later carpatho-croatian centers were Halych, Zvenyhorod and same Peremyshl and Terebovlia.
Carpathian Croatia (Great Croatia, modern western Ukraine - Subcarpathia) is ancient home of all Croats, that migrated first westwards, as far as northern Czechia and Silesia reaching Laba and Saale rivers (so called "white croats, or western croats") and later south to Dalmatia, where "New Croatia" emerged - modern states of Croatia and Bosnia. Carpatho-croatian population of Zakarpattia (Ukrainian Transcarpathian province), as wells Croats of the Upper Dniester, especially major croatian subtribe of trebovlians took part in the first wave of Croatian migration to the Balkans, into the Dalmatia (modern Croatia and Bosnia) where there 53 placenames are connected with the ancient Ukrainian-Croatian tribes of trebovlians, many with zasians and poborans (bobrians) and a few with dulibs (duliby was only non-Croatian, major Volhynian tribe, which took part in the migration too).