The ultimate leadership question that Jesus asked - Ch. 21, Power Questions

2012-08-11 37

Jesus was a genius at using questions to transform conversations—and people. He claimed to be far more than just a wise teacher. He called his disciples together, and asked them, “Do you know who I am?” Their answers were not convincing. So he stared at Simon Peter—one of his closest disciples—and asked point blank: “But who do you say I am?”

Read the chapter to discover Peter’s answer. But in the meantime—ask yourself: Do those around you know what you stand for? What your values are? Do others know who you really are? These are power questions that will help define your leadership for those around you.

"Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others," is the latest book from Andrew Sobel, the world's leading authority on building clients for life. The book will help you build your network and strengthen the relationships with the key people in your life. Download free Power Tools resources at