Please see the video of Ms Eniye one of the recently operated patient who recently underwent Scoliosis Surgery in India with Dheeraj Bojwani Consultants.
With new advances in the medical field, non invasive treatment for scoliosis is possible with minimum recovery period. But the treatment can also cost a lot of money. Scoliosis Surgery India is a good option where the cost can be reduced to almost half. But the facilities and the treatment are world-class with the use of cutting edge medical procedures.
While early detection of scoliosis can be treated with braces, most conditions that become severe in children and even adults require surgery. In fact scoliosis surgery is the most complicated orthopedic surgery and requires great skills in the surgeons performing the surgery. When you get the procedure done at one of the Best Hospital in India you need not worry about complications.
The child or adult undergoing the surgery will have to undergo x-rays, CT scans and MRI scans to determine the right kind of surgery. Once the surgery is performed successfully, patients can start to move around in about 2-3 days and can even start school within 3-4 weeks of surgery.
The reason why scoliosis surgery should be performed as soon as the condition is detected is the curvature of the spine can be stopped from twisting further. Scoliosis surgery also prevents future complications that may occur like chronic lower back pain, arthritis of the spine.
While getting scoliosis surgery at the earliest is vital, it is equally important to know complete details and procedures involved. You can check for all the information you need before going ahead with the treatment.
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