World Trade Center Workers Caught Drinking on the Job

2012-08-09 1

World Trade Center Workers Caught Drinking on the Job - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Construction workers on the World Trade Center site are being fired for drinking on the job. The Port Authority has increased the budget and staff for their investigation of workers drinking at local bars on their lunch breaks. 20 workers have already been terminated, and it seems like a few more might be getting the boot as well. One of the men who was caught, 48-year-old Michael Galvani of Wantagh, Long Island, told The New York Post “I hate to tell you, but those bars are all packed.” The ongoing investigation is aimed at lowering the number of on site accidents. Many accidents have occurred at the World Trade Center construction site, but none of them have been linked to alcohol consumption.

Working with big machinery and heavy materials on a construction site probably isn’t the best place to allow drinking, but some companies allow their employees to drink on the job, and some even have bars in the office. Ad agencies are the most notorious on the job drinkers.

What jobs should allow employees to drink and what jobs shouldn’t?

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