Classic Game Room HD reviews TANK-TASTIC! for Xbox 360, available for download in the indie games section of Xbox Live. Tank Tastic is a Robotron-style game that uses twin stick style controls for tank mayhem. CGR doesn't care for the graph paper "look how indie it is" look to the game, but the gameplay itself is fantastic. Your tank cannot fire very quickly, and if you hold down the shoot button it fires in three shot bursts that take an eternity to reload. Therefore you spend more time in Tank-Tastic dodging enemy fire and aiming rather than just gunning away. Four player local multiplayer makes Tank-Tastic a fantastic party game with addictive gameplay and solid controls. There are challenge levels (many of which are damned hard) and some game play variations as well. Tank-Tastic is a good example of a game in the indie marketplace that could easily fit into the more mainstream crowd with a simple, time tested style of gameplay mixed with some clever, unique elements of its own. Those who enjoy Geometry Wars, Robotron 2084 of Burn, Zombie Burn should give Tank-Tastic a look. This CGR review of Tank-Tastic on Xbox 360 has gameplay from Tank Tastic showing Tank-Tastic! game play in HD action. It's a twin stick video game shooter with tanks!