CGRundertow WORDJONG PARTY for Nintendo Wii Video Game Review

2012-07-31 3

WordJong Party review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of WordJong Party from Magellan and Destineer for the Nintendo Wii. WordJong Party is a follow up to WordJong, a 2007 Nintendo DS game. WordJong Party takes all the things that made the original so awesome—and so bland—and brings them back for another round on Wii. WordJong is a simple mashup of existing concepts, combining Scrabble and Mahjong. You take letters off the pile to create words, earning more points for longer words. Once the pile is gone, the higher score wins. Two new party modes have been included, and they're a fantastic complement to the standard multiplayer. This video review features video gameplay footage of WordJong Party for the Nintendo Wii and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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