RR Autograph Auction Watch our Remarkable Results!

2012-07-31 19

Remarkable results—that’s what motivates consignors and allows RR Auction to bring our customers more than 1,250 high quality consignments on a monthly basis.
No other auction company matches the dedicated, personal attention RR Auction provides each consignor, along with our reasonable reserves and precisely timed monthly payouts.
Nor can they beat our expert authenticators or the professional presentation of material in our award-winning full-color catalog.
RRAuction has been America’s autograph auction company for more than 30 years. We treat our consignors the best, because they’re the ones who have made us the best. We work with you to make every consignment a success.
For more information, please visit the RR Auction web site http://www.rrauction.com