EKLA CHOLO RE, Tagore-song Karaoke in Wiki Bengali

2012-07-28 13

A great inspirational song from the greatest Indian poet. It exhorts the listener to continue his or her journey, despite disinterest, ridicule, insult, and abandonment from others.

The last two stanzas in English have been added by me.

For Bengali karaoke in Roman script, Wiki-Bengali is preferable because of the huge influence of the Wikipedia and the Internet. It is phonetic and easy to learn.

Guidance on wiki-bengali:

Some characters:
o: (mon=mind) as in English go
ô: môt=opinion) as in pot in British English
e: (tel=oil) as in English met
ê: (gêlo=went) as 'a' in English bat
y: (kôyla=coal)as in English boy (I use y if I hear a clear 'য়' (yô) sound)
~: (chãd=moon) nasalization, as in Portuguese pão (=bread)
ţ: (ţano=pull) as in English table (sans aspiration)
t: (tôkhon-then) as in French tu
đ: (đim=egg) as in English dog
d: (dôl=party) as in Spanish adios

Jodi tor đak shune keu na ashe.tôbe êkla chôlo re. (2x)
Tôbe êkla chôlo, ekla chôlo. êkla chôlo êkla chôlo re. (2x)
Jodi tor đak shune keu na ashe,tôbe êkla chôlo re.

Jodi keu kôtha na kôy, ore ore o ôbhaga,
keu kôtha na kôy Jodi shôbai thake mukh firae, shôbai kôre bhôy (2x)
Tôbe pôran khule, ô tui mukh fuţe tor môner kôtha, êkla bôlo re. (2x)
Jodi tor dak shune na ashe, tôbe êkla chôlo re.

Jodi shôbai phire jay, ore ore o ôbhaga, shôbai fire jay
Jodi gôhôn pôthe, Jabar kale, keu fire na chay (2x)
Tôbe pôther kãţa,o tui rôktomakha chôrôntôle, êkla dôlo re. (2x)
Jodi tor đak shune keu na ashe,tôbe êkla chôlo re

Jodi alo na dhôre, ore ore o ôbhaga,alo na dhôre
Jodi jhôr-badole, ãdhar rate, duar dêy ghôre (2x)
Tôbe bôjranôle, apon buker pãjor jalie nie, êkla jôlo re. (2x)
Jodi tor đak shune keu na ashe, tôbe êkla chôlo re.

যদি তোর ডাক শুনে কেউ না আসে তবে একলা চলো রে।
একলা চলো, একলা চলো, একলা চলো, একলা চলো রে॥
যদি কেউ কথা না কয়, ওরে ওরে ও অভাগা,
যদি সবাই থাকে মুখ ফিরায়ে সবাই করে ভয়—
তবে পরান খুলে
ও তুই মুখ ফুটে তোর মনের কথা একলা বলো রে॥
যদি সবাই ফিরে যায়, ওরে ওরে ও অভাগা,
যদি গহন পথে যাবার কালে কেউ ফিরে না চায়—
তবে পথের কাঁটা
ও তুই রক্তমাখা চরণতলে একলা দলো রে॥
যদি আলো না ধরে ওরে ওরে ও অভাগা,
আলো না ধরে যদি ঝর বাদলে আঁধার রাতে দুয়ার ধেয়ে ঘরে-
তবে বজ্রানলে আপন বুকের পাঁজর জ্বালিয়ে একলা জ্বলো রে।।


If they answer not to thy call walk alone,
If they are afraid and cower mutely facing the wall,
O thou unlucky one, open thy mind and speak out alone.

If they turn away, and desert you when crossing the wilderness,
O thou unlucky one, trample the thorns under thy tread,
and along the blood-lined track travel alone.

If they do not hold up the light when the night is troubled with storm,
O thou unlucky one,
with the thunder flame of pain ignite thy own heart and let it burn alone.

I do not own the lyrics nor the music of the song. I have created the karaoke version of this famous Tagore song for educational purpose only.