Within 3 Months, Man Becomes Dad, Grandfather, and Great-Grandfather

2012-07-28 1

Within 3 Months, Man Becomes Dad, Grandfather, and Great-Grandfather - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

The joy that a new baby brings to an entire family is overwhelming. So imagine one Doncaster man’s happiness after he became a daddy to a new son, a grandfather, and a great-granddad in the span of three months. 60-year-old Patrick Sloan welcomed his fourth child, Ethan into the world this past March with his second wife named Joanne. Fast forward to June and Sloan embraced his first great-grandchild , Mason from granddaughter Fern and 12 days later Fern’s mother, Odette gave birth to yet another boy named Leonard. Patrick, who underwent surgery to have his vasectomy reversed, states, “I’m sure there are people who think my situation is very odd. I agree it’s not that conventional but I wouldn’t swap it for the world.”.

Last year, another unusual set of family births garnered attention. Peter Lee, from the town of Ashton-under-Lyne in England became a six time dad with his second wife, on the same day his daughter gave birth to his grandchild. The daughter and step-mom duo were even residing in the same hospital. British gambling company, Ladbrokes claim the odds of this situation occurring are a million to one.