Salt Lake City DUI Attorney. Visit or call us at (801) 988-9617 for more DUI defense information in Salt Lake City, UT.
In this video, Matt Nebeker, a DUI Defense Lawyer in Salt Lake City, discusses the open container law in Utah.
"The open container law in Utah is pretty straight forward. You can't have an open alcoholic beverage in your vehicle. I've seen the police push this on different levels. I've seen some people that have gone and collected up aluminum cans -- got a back full of aluminum beer cans -- and they put those in a sack and put them in the backseat of their car and gotten stopped and the officers have given them citations for open containers.
But the most times we see it is with a DUI charge. The person leaves their friend's barbeque or house party and they just want to finish off that one last drink so they'll put a beer in their console and kind of forget about it. Or they'll have a mix drink and put it in there and forget about it and then will get cited for that. That makes it a little bit more difficult to defend them on a DUI if they have an open container or an empty vodka bottle in the backseat of their car.
But the law is pretty straightforward -- there are no alcoholic containers allowed.
If you've been charged with a DUI, time is of the essence. You need to call an attorney who is experienced, who's been through what you're going through, and that person is me -- Matt Nebeker, Mr. DUI."
Matthew L. Nebeker, Attorney At Law
(801) 988-9617
136 South Main Street
Suite 423, Kearns Bldg.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
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Salt Lake City DUI Attorney