Dozens of Spiders Take Over an Omaha Home - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.
During summertime, it's common to see some bugs enter our homes but in most cases, they are relatively harmless. But sometimes, they can be more than just an irritation.
An Omaha resident, Dylan Baumann has been tackling a nasty infestation of venomous spiders for the past several months. These are brown recluse spiders - rarely aggressive but they have a venomous bite. Their bites uncommon but if they do, those bites can range from a minor effect to something far more serious - in some rare cases even leading to bursting of red blood cells.
As expected, Dylan is anxious about having those unwanted guests in his home but he's trying to avoid any confrontation with spiders by keeping his bed away from walls and shaking clothes before wearing them.
On a much larger scale, an Australian town was overrun by spiders in March, 2012. After flooding in the area, spiders coped by moving to higher ground and covering a large area with spider webs.
Similar situation was observed in Pakistan in 2011 when spiders moved to the trees during flooding. Interesting, the spiders were said to reduce the risk of malaria as they were trapping malaria causing mosquitos.