Springnet 698 - Austin Food Bloggers Cupcakes and Cocktails

2012-07-26 134

Austin, TX - Spring.net - Austin Food Bloggers at the Bake a Wish ( http://bakeawish.com ) Cupcakes and Cocktails event at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center Austin, Texas on Weds 7/25/2012. Among those present were Natanya Anderson and Michael Barnes, the society columnist for the Austin American Statesman. Deserts, drinks and appetizers served via forks were mouth watering.

The Austin Food Blogger Alliance (AFBA)! Mission is to work together with their peers to set a standard of transparency and fairness in food blogging. They also support each other and their community through classes, social events, and philanthropy.
For the latest information follow AFBA on Twitter @atxfoodblogs and facebook. Subscribe to this video on iTunes using keyword "springnet"