Family Finds Dead Lizard in Loaf of Bread

2012-07-24 2

Family Discovers Dead Lizard in Loaf of Bread - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Have you ever rushed to the store to grab a loaf of freshly baked bread? Well one UK family got a little extra surprise with their package of bread from a Tesco store. A 10 year old student, William Evans discovered a dead lizard in a loaf of bread while making his morning breakfast. The bread was the type made in the store bakery. The horrified child stated, ‘I was making some toast and cut off a slice when I saw something that looked like a leaf. So I took the wrapping off and found the lizard inside. It certainly put me off my toast! It was about two to three inches long.’ Evans’ parents contacted store officials who initially denied the allegation, however the family is keeping the evidence in the fridge.

Freshly cooked items aren’t the only foods susceptible to critters. Recently, A Florida woman got a nasty surprise when she sat down for dinner with her fiancé. Upon biting into her Chef Boyardee Ravioli, Victoria Harrah noticed an unusual, crunchy texture in her pasta, which she identified as a spider.

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