Norway marks massacre anniversary

2012-07-22 7

Norway marks the first anniversarry of a shocking rampage that left 77 people dead.

The country's prime minister and king attend a ceremony dedicated to the victims of a loan gunman who bombed central Olso before attacking a summer camp outside the capital.

It was the worst attack on Norwegian soil in 60 years.

But Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said it hasn't changed the country's traditional embrace of openess and multiculturalism.

Sixty-nine of the victims died here - at a summer camp on the tiny island of Utoeya.

Most were teenagers.

A ceremony was planned here for later on Sunday, and Norway's health minister said that is an important part of the country's collective recovery.


"We have to stand together in solidarity and not let one man destroy us. That is the most important I think."

Anders Behring Brevik has admitted to the killings and a court is expected to hand down his sentence next month.

Andrew Raven, Reuters