Calcium Removal from Body & Heavy Metal Detox Part 1

2012-07-21 198

Heavy metal detox is very important in solving the mystery of many health problems. Heavy metal poisoning can be the cause of, or a contributor to, many conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, cancer, immune system dysfunction, damage to the central nervous system, damaged adrenals, depression, anxiety, multiple chemical sensitivities, and more.

A list of some heavy metals, there sources and symptoms of toxicity:

Aluminum -- Is found in aluminum foil, cans, baking powder, cosmetics, cheese, fireworks, dental amalgams, deodorants, drugs, toothpaste, pesticides, pollution, table salt (you can substitute with natural sea salt), nasal spray, cookware, vehicle exhaust, aspirin and more.
Aluminum can cause learning disabilities, Alzheimer's, dementia, dry skin, anemia, headaches, liver dysfunction, memory loss, Parkinson's, heartburn, peptic ulcer, psychosis, Aluminum tends to accumulate in the kidneys, liver, brain, reproductive organs, muscles, stomach. Some of the common symptoms of aluminum are headaches, abnormal heart rhythm, depression, blurred vision, numbness in hands and feet.
One of the most well known health problems caused by aluminum is Alzheimer's and dementia. The use of aluminum in many products used on a daily basis may be the reason there is such an increase in the number of people who have these health problems.
Arsenic -- Is found in some seafood, is used in galvanizing and power plants, is found in pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, desiccants and wood preservatives and riot control gas. There is arsenic in the air due to the burning of wood coal, metal alloys and arsenic waste.