Cell Phones Tower Radiation Is a Source of Stress

2012-07-20 22


In addition to the stress of continual mental interruption cell phones can cause a physical stress response in the body. When the body experiences a stress event the “flight or fight” response is triggered. Certain stress hormones are released from the adrenal glands, the first of which is adrenaline. Most of us are familiar with the effects of adrenaline: rapid heart rate, increased energy level, increased blood pressure, muscle contraction, rapid breathing, etc. These effects are not harmful if they only occur for a short period of time. But what about a stress response that continually releases adrenaline such as that occurring from constant exposure to cell phone radiation? Obviously, this would not be healthy over a long period of time.
The second chemical released in the stress response by the adrenal gland is a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is the body’s natural form of cortisone. It is necessary for many maintenance functions of everyday life. When our bodies are chronically stressed increased amounts of cortisol are released. Consequently, high amounts of cortisol suppress the immune system, blood sugar levels rise and insomnia can occur. Finally, after long-term continual stress responses the adrenal glands become tired and fatigued.
Consequently, the ability to respond to stress situations appropriately becomes compromised. Irritability, fatigue, anger, road rage, high blood pressure, loss of blood sugar control, decreased thyroid function and weight gain are a few of the many symptoms that can result from this condition.


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