Couple Delivers Baby on Florida Highway

2012-07-20 28,262

Couple Delivers Baby on Florida Highway - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

The birth of a child is among the best moments of a parent’s life. There’s also the pain and anxiousness and what if the birth takes place out of a hospital and say, on the side of a busy highway. Well a couple in Florida lived through a roadway birth this week, bringing their third child, a healthy 8 pounds, 6 ounce baby girl into the world. While heading to the hospital, the husband pulled over while heading southbound on Interstate 95 when the expectant mother realized they weren’t going to make it in time. The well-composed dad called 911 and then delivered his daughter, wrapping the infant in his own shirt. Soon thereafter, fire officials blocked the highway and paramedics checked over mom and baby.

In a strikingly similar story, another Florida couple was en route to the hospital for the birth of their third child, when the wife told her husband to stop the SUV. They only made it 2 blocks from their home before mom’s water broke and less than 10 minutes later, they were parked at 7-Eleven. With assistance from a 911 operator, dad used his own shoe string to tie the umbilical cord once his nearly 10 pound son was in his arms.

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