Check Fraud Victim Catches Suspect Cashing Check in Bank

2012-07-19 185

Check Fraud Victim Catches Suspect Cashing Check in Bank - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Imagine being the victim of check fraud and as that feeling of helplessness sinks in, you catch the criminal red handed with the forged signature on your check. It seems way too good to be true, but for one Medford, Oregon man, that’s exactly what happened.

David Henneman ordered a box of checks but never received them, leading him to believe that the crook obtained them by stealing from his mailbox.
He goes to the bank and was in mid-conversation with Chase bank workers regarding a freeze on his account, when another man walked into the establishment and tried to cash a $150.00 check from David’s account. The teller quickly understood what was going on and tried to stall the criminal, however the savvy fraud headed for the exit. He was soon tackled to the ground by Henneman’s friend and was arrested.

Thieves are always trying to come up with new ways to steal mail. One of them is a scam in which the perpetrators stick adhesive on the inside of public mailboxes and then retrieve the mail that people put into the box before the mailman has a chance to empty.