CGRundertow SHIPS 'N BATTLES for iPhone Video Game Review

2012-07-16 2

Ships 'n Battles review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Ships 'n Battles from Skahal Studios for the iPhone. Ships 'n Battles is a turn based game of "guess where my ships are," sold in stores with tiny plastic boats and red and white pegs. This is Battleship on your phone and for a fraction of the price. Each player has ships floating on a grid. You take turns firing at squares on the other player's grid, and the first player to sink his opponent's entire fleet wins. Ships 'n Battles also adds bonus power ups, like multiple shots and a little radar. It's a nice touch that gives Ships 'n Battles at least somewhat of its own identity. This video review features video gameplay footage of Ships 'n Battles for the iPhone and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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