Fr. Bonaventure preaches on the integrated Catholic view of creation where God creates with a plan for sanctifying the world. This is the mission that Jesus sends His apostles out to accomplish in today's Gospel reading. They go out two by two in order to highlight�the�need to love of our fellow man as well as to love God. This balance of loving both God and man is key to avoiding the liberal, modernist extreme of the secular mentality where we think man can do all things by himself, forgetting about God and also to avoid the opposite conservative, traditionalist �extreme where God does all things for us and we forget about all human considerations. These extremes are two forms of Gnosticism that places reliance of some sort of knowledge that reinterprets the Gospel in some way other than the timeless interpretation of the�Magisterium. We must, in other words, place Christ's teaching (as�guaranteed�by the pope) above our own half-baked ideas.
Ave Maria!
Mass: 15th Sunda