Woman Owns $180,000 in Unpaid Tolls

2012-07-13 60

Woman Owns $180,000 in Unpaid Tolls - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

More and more newer roads require tolls which help government pay for their construction. Collecting unpaid tolls can be a challenge for the authorities however.

North Texas Toll Authority was having trouble collecting those past tolls because they have limited enforcement powers. So they resorted a tried and tested method - announcing the names of those who owed the most in past tolls.

Shockingly, there are 22 drivers who have over $100,000 in pending tolls and the worst offender is a woman from Dallas who owes nearly $180,000. She has had over 8,000 unpaid transactions.

The next 4 violators owe over $125,000 each with total transactions ranging from 5,500 to 8,500.

With the new technological innovations, many toll roads support the use of an automatic pass which means you don't have to stop and pay in cash, reducing the time commuters spending in toll lines. On some of the newer roads, you don't even need to slow down for scanners to read the electronic pass. However, the flip side of that is it's easier today for violators to simply go past the toll booths without anyone stopping them.