CGR Comics - THUNDERCATS #1, based on TV cartoon

2012-07-13 1

Classic Game Room Comic Book Review reviews the very first, collector's item issue of THUNDERCATS #1! Thundercats was an iconic 1980's cartoon show about a group of half-cat, half-man (and woman) heroes from a distant world and a distant time... who lived on Third Earth? Well, full of plot loopholes and inconsistencies, Thunder Cats was still exciting and entertaining. Back in the day we watched the Thunder Cats cartoons as Lion-O lead the heroic Cat people in battle against Mumm-Ra and his loyal, evil followers. How does this comic book compare to the beloved TV show? Should you pick up issue #1 from Marvel Comics and their Star Comics branch? Check out this review as we look into the comic book artwork, the story, writing and characters. This first issue introduces us to Liono, Tygra, Panthro, Cheetara (rrowrr!), Snarf, the Wondertwins and Mummra. These are some cool cats, dig it? They fly through space and wear latex body armor and carry weapons! Meet the Sword of Omens! Miss the first episode of the THUNDERCATS, well pick up the story with this comic book. It's an entertaining read and one that you may enjoy so check it out as CGR Comics reviews, THUNDERCATS #1, based on the popular THUNDERCATS cartoon show which was made to hock the THUNDERCATS line of action figures, toys, vehicles, playsets, swords, t-shirts and plastic tank cat things! Keep watching the CGR Comics comic book review show for none of the latest comic book reviews, only old ones.