Lightning Strike Kills 53 Pigs in China - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.
During a thunderstorm, it can be easy to forget how dangerous lightning can be and in some cases, even deadly.
A pigsty owner in China recently found that out when during a storm, 53 of her pigs reportedly died while screaming after getting struck by lightning.
The pigsty is located in southern part of China in the Shenzen area.
The owner was devastated as she lost her future income form the sale of those pigs.
The neighbors said that the ears, nostrils, and mouths of most pigs were still bleeding, and their bodies had traces of burns, even with a slight burned smell.
While there was no loss of human life, some others have not been fortunate.
According the Journal News, recently, a 48-year-old woman died from lightning at New Jersey Beach. Nine have died from lightning in the US this year.
It is estimated that nearly 25,000 people die from lightning strikes each year around the world.
In some rare cases, it can even cause a plane crash. A Pan Am plane crashed in 1963 after getting caught in a storm - none of the 81 passengers survived.