CGRundertow PORTAL 2 for PlayStation 3 Video Game Review

2012-07-14 3

Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Portal 2 from Valve for the PlayStation 3. Portal 2 is also available for the Xbox 360 and PC. Emerging through the portal of reality and directly into the public consciousness, Portal 2 has zapped a hole in this industry and shoved almost other game released this year into it, a never-ending, cross-dimensional plunge. This game is that incredible. Portal 2 is a first-person puzzle game. Armed with nothing but a hole-making laser beam and your wits, each level is essentially a puzzle-filled room, both a physical and mental test created by a menacing machine. Your lone objective is to find the exit. This video review features video gameplay footage of Portal 2 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.