Carpenter Ants Are Big Problems Waiting to Happen! - Columbia Pest Control

2012-07-08 62


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One of the most common home invaders are carpenter ants. Unaddressed, they cause a lot of damage to your home.

Carpenter ants do not eat wood. They remove wood as they create tunnels and galleries.
Infestation problems grow quickly. They are made worse because carpenter ants typically infiltrate already weakened wood.

If there is moist or decayed wood, carpenter ants will likely find it. Leaks, excess condensation, and areas with poor circulation are prime problem locations.

Carpenter ants build nests around sinks, showers, dishwashers, and behind bathroom tiles. Beams in the attic or under the subfloor insulation are also prime areas.
Carpenter ants can make nests outside your home. A yard with rotting trees or stumps attracts them.

If carpenter ants do make a nest in your yard, don’t leave them alone. They can build satellite nests, including inside your home.

The main nest must be near moisture. Satellite nests don’t require a water source. They can build satellite nests up to 100 yards from the main nest.

If you spot carpenter ants around your home, you have a problem. It won’t go away by itself. Address it quickly.

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