CGRundertow SLAM BOLT SCRAPPERS for PlayStation 3 Video Game Review

2012-07-17 1

Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Slam Bolt Scrappers from Fire House Games, a downloadable game for the PlayStation 3. If nothing else, Slam Bolt Scrappers is a unique idea. In fact, it's a collection of unique ideas, a heaping pile of bolts and scrap metal you'd never expect to see piled together. It combines the falling-block puzzle mechanics of Tetris with simple beat 'em up combat, and it pours those seemingly immiscible components over a bizarre game of tower defense. Slam Bolt Scrappers spends its ample energy sampling as many genres and conventions as it can...without mastering any of them. This video review features video gameplay footage of Slam Bolt Scrappers for the PlayStation 3 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.