CGRundertow MANHUNT for PlayStation 2 Video Game Review Part One

2012-07-06 6

Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Manhunt from Rockstar Games for the PlayStation 2. Manhunt is also available for Xbox and PC. One of the most violent games ever made, Manhunt is a third-person stealth game developed by Rockstar Games. You play as a convict who awakens after his supposed execution to instructions from a voice, a man who calls himself "the director." He promises the convict that if he follows his instructions, he'll be free before the night is over. What he doesn't tell him is how grisly that night will be. Manhunt is designed as an interactive snuff film. Your objective is to sneak around the environment in classic stealth fashion and kill enemies, but the hook is what happens next. Successful kills prompt incredibly gruesome cut scenes, portraying perhaps the most vivid and horrific violence in the history of the medium. Also check out Part 2 of this review. This video review features video gameplay footage of Manhunt for the PlayStation 2 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.