Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Asphalt 3D from Gameloft and Ubisoft for the Nintendo 3DS. Asphalt 3D is less a brand-new game than it is a collection of recycled content. The tracks and cars are pulled from an iOS version of Asphalt, an unfortunate trend in early 3DS development. There's nothing inherently wrong with ports, but there's a huge difference between console ports and iOS ports. Asphalt costs a couple of bucks on your iPhone. It costs $40 on your 3DS. There are plenty of reasons why this ride isn't worth the price of admission, but in addition to the game's chugging frame rate, it's almost impossible to see oncoming cars until they're slamming into your BMW. This video review features video gameplay footage of Asphalt 3D for the Nintendo 3DS and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.