Outbound Call Center in Hyderabad

2012-07-04 139

Deepija has highly motivated and experienced team of software engineers. They analyze the customer requirements accurately and provide most appropriate solutions. The work we do for national and local governments involves us in the most important areas of public serices, Education, Health care, Agriculture and science. Our vision is to provide high quality and right telecom solutions to our customers in a timely and cost effective manner, backed up by the best customer support.
Deepija has a specialization in telecom application development using VoIP and CTI technologies. We also provide services like IVRS Development, Telecom Software Development, Vtiger CRM Implementation and Asterisk Services.
Deepija Customer Support offers 24/7/365 phone support. Phone coverage hours are based on the purchased Maintenance Services Plan.
Contact Details for getting support:
Customer Support Number: +91 40 49325550
Customer Support E-Mail ID: support@deepijatel.com