Audio of Obama Lawyer Arguing Obamacare Is a Tax Stuns WH Chief of Staff Lew

2012-07-01 40

Democrats told us Obamacare was not a tax.
Then they argued in front of the Supreme Court that it was a tax.
Now they want to tell us again that Obamacare is not a tax.

Jack Lew, the Obama White House Chief of Staff, was trying to persuade Chris Wallace on FOX News Sunday that Obamacare was not a tax. But it didn’t work out so well for Lew when Wallace played audio of the Obama lawyer arguing that Obamacare was a tax in front of the Supreme Court.

Lew was stunned after being caught in the lie.

Nearly 75% of ObamaTax costs will fall on the backs of those Americans making less than $120,000 a year.