Swedish Police Intervene In Missing Teddy Bear Case - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.
We all have heard of a hunt for missing children but how about a search for a stuffed toy?
A little girl in Sweden is getting help from the local police to find her lost teddy bear. The girl’s family had posted missing teddy bear signs around a Stockholm island of Kungsholmen, which read “Have you seen my teddy bear, I dropped it somewhere... on June 19th?” A local police officer took a picture of one of the signs and posted it to the police Facebook page. In less than a day, the picture has received over 500 “likes” and has been shared by Facebook users over a hundred times.
Other unusual police searches involve a man hunt for a couple of men dressed up as Hungarian police officers who posted a video on YouTube of themselves doing a hip hop dance routine while in uniform, and a man in the Sacramento area of California who is allegedly dressing up as a plumber to remove and steal plumbing and flushing mechanisms from urinals. It is believed that the man is reselling the metal as scrap material.