CGRundertow MAD DOG MCCREE for Nintendo 3DS Video Game Review

2012-06-27 93

Mad Dog McCree review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Mad Dog McCree, a downloadable game from Digital Leisure on the eShop for the Nintendo 3DS. Originally released in 1990, Mad Dog McCree occupies a distinguished place in the history of this frequently undistinguished medium, and for better or worse, the game is exactly as you remember it. This isn't a sequel or a slick remake. That would be treatment unbefitting a game such as Mad Dog McCree. Instead, you're getting an exact port that adds touch controls and nothing else. No extras, no new weapons and worse yet, no 3D whatsoever. It's so campy and ridiculous that it's funny, but as it was in 1990, it's also a poor light gun game. This video review features video gameplay footage of Mad Dog McCree for the Nintendo 3DS and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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