CGRundertow LEGO BATTLES for Nintendo DS Video Game Review

2012-07-01 3

LEGO Battles review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of LEGO Battles from Hellbent Games and Warner Bros. Interactive for the Nintendo DS. LEGO Battles is a simple RTS game with a LEGO touch, although the LEGO touch is entirely superficial. The way the LEGO console games incorporate building with LEGO into the gameplay? LEGO Battles ignores that. Instead, you're getting a RTS that isn't very LEGO and isn't very good. You build up a small army of LEGO men and take them on various missions to do various things. Things like kill the other group or destroy the other building. And you do these things with a terrible interface. This video review features video gameplay footage of LEGO Battles for the Nintendo DS and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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