Hong Kong Bankers Casualties of Europe's Debt Crisis

2012-06-21 48

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More HK bankers out of work
One little-known casualty of Europe's debt crisis - senior Hong Kong bankers competing for a shrinking job pie.

Mother of twins, Cassandra Lister has more time to spend with her family.
But this wasn't really the plan.

After 20 years as a banker she was made redundant 6 months ago.

[Cassandra Lister, Former Senior Banker]:
"It's a tough market out there. I have been turned down for two roles where I was considered too senior."

Cassandra's staying put.
But other bankers are packing up to leave Hong Kong, without visas or the income to support them.

[Mark Enticott, Ambition HK Managing Director]:
"It's becoming more and more common, because as the market tightens up there's a greater range of people that the banks can select from."

Global recruitment firm Ambition says the Hong Kong jobs market has worsened, especially in equities.

[Mark Enticott, Ambition HK Managing Director]:
"You only have to look at what happens to the equity markets every day, you know they're very volatile."

The debt crisis in Europe has hit banks in Hong Kong hard.
UBS' Asia head of debt capital markets resigned earlier this month. The company elected not to replace him.

And sources say Nomura's Southeast Asia head of investment banking has moved to a broader role at Standard Chartered.

According to Hong Kong recruiters, the jobs market won't improve anytime soon.

[Mark Enticott, Ambition HK Managing Director]:
"Is there going to be any pickup in hiring by the end of the year? Probably not."

But despite the jobs pain, many like Cassandra Lister think Hong Kong is still the best place to be.

[Cassandra Lister, Former Senior Banker]:
"In my view Hong Kong is, if there's an open market, this is the place."

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