Special Food for Chinese Astronauts Highlights Public Food Safety Concerns

2012-06-19 74

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The facility that produces the "super food" for the astronauts is located deep in the desert region of China's northwest. It is closed to the public and vehicles can't go near it — even bicycles are kept away.

These strict security measures are for making sure China's astronauts are given a diet of "pollution free" foods — and it would seem that little, if any, cost is spared here.

Special pigs are raised on whole grains, eggs come from wild ducks, and fish are farm-raised and fed natural diets—no chemicals allowed. Then all food products are meticulously tested before reaching the palates of the astronauts.

[Wu Fan, Political Commentator]:
"These extreme measures are a reflection of just how bad the pollution problem is in China. The CCP can't solve the pollution problem directly, so it cordons off a bit of land where it attempts to make safe food for an elite few."

Given the widespread problem of food safety in China, some see the government's extreme concern for the health of an elite few as obscene.

[Hu Jun, co-founder of "Human Rights"]:
"Initially, some local leaders refused to admit the existence of poisoned food or recognize the health concern, but they all eventually had to admit it. The CCP exploits China's natural resources for its own ends and has no respect for human life. It only seeks to enrich itself."

News of the special food facility spread quickly across the Internet and Chinese netizens were quick to react. One person writes:

"After reading about the special food production facility for the astronauts, I could only sigh. Part of me wished that I were lucky enough to live in such a place. It would add 20 years to my life!"

Chinese astronauts aren't the only ones in China to be given special clean foods. These superior products are also given to elite athletes, senior officials and parts of the military.