NRAS Properties For Sale 1 with Property in a box

2012-06-18 25

nras properties for sale
This video is part of a series of videos helping investors understand the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) and how that may apply to you building your Australian investment property portolio
While it may initially seem attractive to gain a tax credit of over $9000 a year for your NRAS investment it is very important that you seek professional guidance to ensure that you are making the best decision for your particular circumstances.
Everything has its pros and cons and NRAS is no different. For example you don;t get to select your tenant and the property management fees are about double than normal due to the higher level of administartion required.
Having said that, a good quality NRAS property can be a positive addition to the right Australian investment property portfolio.
If you would like to know more then go to:
We will be able to educate you all about NRAS and even show you NRAS properties for sale.