Classic Game Room opens Magnavox Odyssey 2

2012-06-14 1

Classic Game Room opens the Magnavox Odyssey 2 video game console system. Purchased from ebay for a whopping $25 with three games, the O2 (as it's known, thank you KING) is a massive gaming console from ages long ago. This will prove to be classic, old school retro arcade style video gaming at its finest. Complete with games like KC Munchkin, Speedway and Alien Invaders - PLUS! there are some awesome games for the Odyssey.... by Magnavox! Half computer, have home video game entertainment device. This is it. Now let's get gaming and check out some new old school reviews for O2 games on the Classic Game Room HD video game review show! Where do you buy one of these things, online auctions of course (or your local thrift store if you get lucky) This is not an Xbox 360, Playstation 2 or PS3. This is not a Wii or Atari 2600. THIS IS MAGNAVOX.