Konami Invades the Social Gaming Market (Interview) - E3 2012

2012-06-14 51

When one thinks of gaming, the latest video game consoles are generally the first platforms to come to one's mind with an exception of the small percentage of the market still heavily engaged within PC gaming. Simplicity and marketing has led to this change within the gaming industry and while many do not favor this strategy, it is the way the market has been and will be heading, at least for quite some time.

One platform of gaming that has evolved recently is gaming on social networking platforms such as Facebook. With games like FarmVille consuming the lives of millions of Facebook users, the platform is becoming more popular everyday for the gaming industry and one of the most successful publishers within the gaming industry is looking to become involved.

Konami, publisher of the praised Metal Gear franchise, had a large showing at E3 2012 showing off Frogger Pinball for Facebook, iOS, and Android along with Puzzle Chasers exclusively for Facebook. Amie Lynn, correspondent of The Gamer Access, caught up with Tom DeKeyser, Associate Product Manager at Konami to speak on Konami's plans and what gamers should expect.

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