Runaway Train Goes 2.5 Miles Without a Driver - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.
While we can all imagine a future in which our cars, trains, and planes will be driven by computers, we are not there yet and sometimes that scenario can be a bit scary.
In the state of Bihar, India, a train recently ran for nearly 2.5 miles without an operator. The Express train had just returned from a run in New Delhi, when suddenly, out of the blue it started cruising down the tracks. A panic signal was issued causing all remaining trains to cease movement, while various railroad authorities ran after it and one athletic driver finally caught up to the train, hopped in the cab and quickly hit the brake.
The express train isn’t the only form of transportation that has taken off on its own. While on display at a 2009 vintage vehicle show, an unmanned 1940 biplane cruised around in circles before smashing into some trees in West Sussex. A South Korean couple was taken on for a ride after their Hyundai Sonata began rapidly accelerating on its own, before crashing into a stopped vehicle at an estimated speed of 80 MPH.