Tuesday, June 12, 2012 City Council Meeting To Pass The Amendment to the Constitution Which States That Corporations Do Not Have The Same Freedoms As Individual Civilians. Tucson, United States of America

2012-06-13 1

50 minutes, 38 seconds.
Most people who attended this city council meeting came to show their support for an amendment to the constitution, the intent of which is to ensure that for-profit organizations do not have the same rights as individual civilians; that money is not free speech, so corporations do not have the right to fund politicians and elected officials in absolute anonimity. The public addressed the city council (which includes Mayor Rothschild) to bring to their attention their weariness of a government that they think has failed them, imposes undo penalties, and misappropriates resources to the detriment of the residents.
There was a performance by the Raging Grannies for the council, and most of the visitors held up slips of paper with the phrase, "We the people", printed in old English type for council to see whenever a speaker voiced support of the amendment. In the end, council unanimously passed the resolution. Also up for review were liquor and CCTV licenses.